Saturday, November 17, 2012

Eruption of Violent Feminism At U-Toronto

On Friday, Nov 16, 2012 Dr. Warren Farrell thought he was going to deliver a peaceful pro-male speech at Toronto University in Canada. Well the feminist greeting committee gave him a very rude awakening. As you see, only a squadron of riot police could hold them in check. (The feminists are screaming "off our campus! Off our campus! Off our campus!")

What was Dr. Farrell planning to talk about? Well, it was part of an event called  “Men’s Issues Awareness at the University of Toronto (MIAUT)”. A summary of his proposed "hate speech" follows:
Throughout the industrialized world, boys are about a quarter century behind girls --dropping out of school, preoccupied with video games, committing suicide, and demonstrating a "failure to launch." Why and what can we do about it?
But the anti-male elements wanted no part of such doings, and weren't bashful about letting the world know! (I am not aware that any box-cutters were being used, however.)

Here is another video you ought to watch -- this one includes interview footage with a local feminist who talks just like. . . well, a feminist, frankly!

Finally, here is a ton of Twitter material to keep you busy for a while, and generally get you up to speed:

Friends, the game is on! And it is heating up. We can expect more outbursts of a similar character in the future, and I hope you will be very, very careful for your safety in whatever situation you find yourselves. And be prepared to gather evidence with video capture equipment, eyewitnesses, or whatever it takes.

John the Other has posted a video about this. You can view it here: 

Oh, by the way, Warren Farrell finally got to make his speech, but it was delayed for about an hour.



Anonymous Ulrox said...

Those people clearly want equality and equal opportunity for men and women, and they clearly have deep empathy for their fellow human breathren. :D

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Ulrox said...

These women really need to take some diazepam... It would be good for their blood pressure. :p

11:55 PM  
Blogger Greg Canning said...
Greg Canning says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Sunday November 18, 2012 at 5:42 am

If you think Warren Farrell is peddling hate speech, go back and read some of the feminist classics and you will see what real hate is!

Its being preached daily in “women’s studies” courses around the world under the protection of academic freedom of speech.

The hypocrisy of this violent protest clearly escapes the trainee gender ideologues involved. Hope they grow up before they graduate.

2:46 AM  
Blogger Mark Neil said...

Here's my comment (214... given that, I' curious where the other 212 comments are):

Nothing quite says sexism like denying men a voice for the sole reason they are men. Not a single person protesting, that I’ve seen, has anything to say about the issues being addressed. Instead they pretend the issues being discussed are how to put women down. They claim that Dr. Farrell is attempting to marginalize women’s issues while protesting a discussion trying to acknowledge men’s issues. Dr Farrell is a former National Organization for women New York board member. He is a respected White House consultant for the White House council of women and girls. Yet these protesters would have you believe he is some misogynist oppressor figure, rather than acknowledge that men might have issues that need to be discussed. And this is supposedly Dr Farrell marginalizing women’s issues? Sounds more like this group marginalizing men’s issues to me. If you disagree, debate the points and knock it off with the ad hom attacks.

3:36 AM  
Blogger Greg Canning said...

you can read and hear some of Farrells "Hate" here, clearly the commotion out front of the venue was were the real hate was happening, and It was not coming from campus security.

3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one proper response to these feminists.

Photos and videos should be taken and archived, of these female supremacists. Then, in 25 yrs when men retake power, female supremacists AND THEIR DAUGHTERS will be tried as war criminals.

Beware female supremacists ... you will be "rewarded" tomorrow for your actions today.

5:27 AM  
Anonymous BASTA! said...

Och. My. Freaking. Whatever.

I know that you are not exactly a fan of Feminist Critics, but just today ballgame managed to dig out a nugget that seems very relevant to this one. You can visit FCB if you want to see why it was linked, but the interesting thing is this Alas post from 2009 (shortened URL):

... in which Ampersand argues that "The Intellectual Space to Be Anti-Male Is Necessary and Desirable".

6:12 AM  
Blogger Richard said...

In that third video - everything that lady said about men's rights activists - is what is true of feminism.

I have never seen or heard of an MRA advocating for violence against children.

Quite the contrary - I have seen feminists giving custody of children to the mother even when the mother is a complete psychotic basket-case.

These women are completely disconnected from reality.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're not so confident any more. They can't just sit back and smirk.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Mark Neil said...


I say it all the time, feminism is an exercise in group psychological projection.

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'I have never seen or heard of an MRA advocating violence against children.'

True. And as Dr. Warren Farrell himself has said: "'The attitude of too many women towards children is 'choose to abort or sue for support.'"

Abortion is about as violent to kids as it gets; yet the majority of Anglo-American women believe it is a 'right.'

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s my rant.........part 1...
As a typical apologetic Canadian I must apologize deeply for the appalling behavior of my fellow Canadians last weekend in Toronto. The terrorist behavior proved to the world that Canada is plagued by violent intolerant bigoted criminal gangs like Hitler's brown shirts and the equivalent fascist black shirts in England. The rioters are gangs of demented thugs cruising thru society looking to beat the crap out of anyone not of their political ilk so everyone is terrified to have a different view than these dangerous psycho oppressors.
Please forgive me for the length of this note as I attempt to wrap my head around this complex and draconian issue. Misandry is fairly new to me. Upon discovering this issue my conscious and lack of knowledge compelled me to research misandry further. What I have found is that misandry forms the central pillar of Canadian social control programs (SCPs). I compared SCPs from other countries to ours. The strongest comparison was Hitler’s SCP of anti-Semitism as is described in his book Mein Kampf, My Struggle, in which he dehumanizes the targets of his SCP.
The naive acceptance of such demented social values is exactly what my relatives reported they saw in Europe leading up to WW2. Millions died fighting against these values and many millions more suffered from the atrocities caused by accepting these values because societies just let such great evil happen. Misandrists in Canada often take pride in being labeled as Nazis as this acknowledges the heightened level of their absolute power in Canadian society, along with their commensurate elite social status, state funding and privileges.
The inflammatory labels Hitler branded the future human sacrifices of his SCP, Jews in this case, are virtually identical to the language used by misandrists in Canada. Use of such language is deemed as hate crimes in Canada. That is unless it is used against men like it was used against Jews in Germany in a strategy to demonize, dehumanize and persecute humans like animals. Based on historical comparisons, such as with McCarthyism, the Soviet Union’s Gulags and Canadian aboriginal residential school SCPs, to name a few, it is clear that the fate of current Canadian SCP victims is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better. Clearly the persecution stage is far from being stamped out and just about to get started.
The criminal justice system is littered with wrongfully accused cases involving men, like David Milgaard, and virtually none involving women. These state sponsored atrocities increasingly plague our entirely corrupt Kleptocratic Canadian criminal justice system. The hate propaganda spewed by misandrists in Canada mirrors Hitler’s view that “I see no reason why man should not be as cruel to man as nature is”.
The latter quotation defines the values of the Canadian criminal justice system. Men are routinely wrongfully and knowingly accused with the male innocents then being subjected to planned obscene human rights atrocities committed by our criminal justice system. These usually mild mannered meek innocents are routinely beaten, raped, etc. at the behest of the system. Studies have proven that sex accusations against men are false anywhere from 25% to 75% of the time. An exploding industry is the growth of the wrongly accused business. Lawyers and human rights groups attempt to come to grips with the system's growing widespread atrocities that are blatant, extreme, and fraudulent systemic fabrications of fictional crimes. These state sponsored and orchestrated atrocities are created to feed a steady supply of innocent victims into the system. These victims are human sacrifices that are abused in order to steal increasingly large amounts of society’s resources to profit the criminal justice system cronies and their ilk. This increasing and reckless spending occurs at a time when statistics prove that crime is declining significantly.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My rant ...part2...

Misandry corruption has led to the establishment of a wealthy and well-entrenched Canadian kleptocracy for feminist special interest groups and other misandrists funded and/or enabled by the state, such as the criminal justice system. Kleptocracy, "rule by thieves", is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. The corrupt Canadian criminal justice system and misandrists make no pretense of being remotely honest. My relatives said the same thing happened in Europe with Germany’s entirely corrupted people’s court. Also, special interest groups of the day drove home their complete disregard for honesty. The brown and black shirts did it violently while the Nazi funded English pledge for peace groups refused to pass judgement on Hitler’s oppression in Germany and elsewhere such as Czechoslovakia.

Those who attacked Warren's presentation in Toronto last weekend were state sponsored terrorists for whom honesty is completely irrelevant. Promulgating male truths by Warren, no matter how unassociated with misandry and feminism, may eventually compromise the misandrist's Kleptocratic status and benefits. Many sex charge related cases are fabricated and kleptocratic as Milgaard found where crown witnesses were paid to lie. I would be surprised to hear anything other than that the authorities such as the university, government special interest funding departments, criminal justice system, etc., all condoned and enabled the behavior to date by ensuring that their terrorist acts go consequence free. So far my suspicions have been confirmed.
My grandparents left Europe after WW1 because they believed that those in charge would make war all over again in their lifetime. Sadly, they were correct. By those in charge they meant the wealthy and powerful that created Hitler. Gramps meant the tycoons and politicians such as the Henry Fords, DuPonts, Krupps, JP Gettys, IBMs, King of England, etc were bestowed the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow. Hitler personally bestowed the Grand Cross of the German Eagle upon these monsters. This made the Olympic gold medals Jessie Owens won in Germany under Hitler’s psychotic glare incredibly special to the world and history.
My gramps believed that war was highly profitable for such tycoons who were personally responsible for the war crimes and related unimaginable suffering. The same applies in our current Canadian society with regards to the obvious links between misandry SCPs and kleptocracy beneficiaries.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Misandry corruption has led to the establishment of a wealthy and well-entrenched Canadian kleptocracy for feminist special interest groups and other misandrists funded and/or enabled by the state, such as the criminal justice system. Kleptocracy, "rule by thieves", is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service. The corrupt Canadian criminal justice system and misandrists make no pretense of being remotely honest. My relatives said the same thing happened in Europe with Germany’s entirely corrupted people’s court. Also, special interest groups of the day drove home their complete disregard for honesty. The brown and black shirts did it violently while the Nazi funded English pledge for peace groups refused to pass judgement on Hitler’s oppression in Germany and elsewhere such as Czechoslovakia.

Those who attacked Warren's presentation in Toronto last weekend were state sponsored terrorists for whom honesty is completely irrelevant. Promulgating male truths by Warren, no matter how unassociated with misandry and feminism, may eventually compromise the misandrist's Kleptocratic status and benefits. Many sex charge related cases are fabricated and kleptocratic as Milgaard found where crown witnesses were paid to lie. I would be surprised to hear anything other than that the authorities such as the university, government special interest funding departments, criminal justice system, etc., all condoned and enabled the behavior to date by ensuring that their terrorist acts go consequence free. So far my suspicions have been confirmed.
My grandparents left Europe after WW1 because they believed that those in charge would make war all over again in their lifetime. Sadly, they were correct. By those in charge they meant the wealthy and powerful that created Hitler. Gramps meant the tycoons and politicians such as the Henry Fords, DuPonts, Krupps, JP Gettys, IBMs, King of England, etc were bestowed the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow. Hitler personally bestowed the Grand Cross of the German Eagle upon these monsters. This made the Olympic gold medals Jessie Owens won in Germany under Hitler’s psychotic glare incredibly special to the world and history.
My gramps believed that war was highly profitable for such tycoons who were personally responsible for the war crimes and related unimaginable suffering. The same applies in our current Canadian society with regards to the obvious links between misandry SCPs and kleptocracy beneficiaries.

In terms of explaining why our Canadian society has embraced misandry en masse, I found understanding from the book: On fighting, killing, and dying : the secret World War II transcripts of German POWs by author Neitzel, Sönke. This explains how Germany’s normal families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. became blood thirsty zombie butchers as a result of Hitler’s SCPs. Canada has adopted the same SCPs standard with misandry replacing Hitler’s anti-Semitism and anti-anyone not Aryan. At this point I have read a summary of this book and hope to read it all when it becomes available from the local library.
Also, Bardach, a Polish Jew who experienced Stalin’s Gulags, provides insights as well into Soviet Union’s SCPs in his book Man is Wolf to Man. He explains how about 90% of inmates, almost all of which were men, were ”political” prisoners and only 10% of the entire Gulag population were actually criminals. The latter were put in charge of the gulags and ran them. Bardach and other authors like Solzhenitsyn explain how people close to the innocents sold them into the Gulags which were slave death camps. Spouses, children, co-workers, neighbors community leaders, etc. all conspired to enslave innocents for the Gulag quotas.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evidence that we live in kleptocracy is all around us. The innocents projects for wrongfully accused abound on the internet. Just south of us lies the greatest kleptocracy on planet. E.g. The U.S. financial crisis with trillions of dollars having been stolen in the form of added debt and given to banks as a reward for their criminal acts causing the hardships, 25% of the world’s inmates with 5% of world population (Reverend Pat Robertson), widespread use of prisoners as slave labour (CNBC), more military spending than the total spent by the rest of the developed world combined on military, etc. All the while unemployment is rampant, infrastructure is collapsing, pensions are inadequate, nearly 50 million Americans experience hunger, etc. Canada has severe issues as well relating to our oppressive kleptocracy.
The psychotic violent mob at Warren's presentation is the same ilk as the German brown shirt gangs attacking Jews and anyone else that may be any threat, or just propose a different view, to Hitler’s sadistic values. Hitler’s anti-Semitism standard is alive and prospering in Canada in the form of misandry. Both Hitler’s and Canada’s social control programs (SCPs) have the same dehumanizing and demented characteristics that are very well and extensively documented.
“Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.”Edmund Burke
“The spectacle (McCarthyism) is one we would expect in a totalitarian nation where the rights of the individual are crushed beneath the juggernaut of statism and oppression; it has no place in America where government exists to serve people, not to destroy them” President Harry S. Truman.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Winston Churchill

8:24 AM  

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